12 Quick Self-Care Tips for New Lawyers

12 Quick Self-Care Tips for New Lawyers
- Prioritize yourself. There is no case, no assignment, nothing in fact, that is more important than you. Take care of yourself. Prioritize your peace of mind, your happiness and be the change you want to see in the world. No matter what you choose, each decision you make changes the world in some way. Make the changes you want to see.
- Align your actions with your values. You have a strong internal compass. Consider your values. What do you love? What is important to you? What actions do you want to take, but maybe you are afraid? Challenge your fears and your limiting beliefs. Take actions aligned with your values. Find your calling or your North Star. What excites you, or gets you into a state of “flow”?
- The Golden Rule. Treat others how you want to be treated. Consider whether you need to send that email in the evening or on Friday night. Let people know if it is not urgent. Think about the people who are your “adversaries” — they are your partners in a larger dispute resolution system. Think about the judges who have full dockets. Have you really tried to resolve the discovery spat before adding more to their full plate?
- Quality over quantity. Ask most partners, we’d rather you do quality work, take good care of yourself, develop relationships and friendships inside and outside of work, and thrive, rather than work non-stop. You are not a cog in a machine. Communicate. Let the people you work with know you have a personal event, time with family and friends and that you’ll turn to the assignment when you can be fully present. Take time for things that are important to you. Learn how to say no, politely.
- Relationships, connection & service. It’s not all about billable hours. Take time to get out of the office. Spend time with colleagues. Develop organic mentorship experiences with people you value and trust. Add value and serve your colleagues and clients in a way that brings you joy.
- Choose love over fear. It is easy to get wrapped up in fear and believe the negative self-talk in our minds. We’re not good enough. We don’t belong here. We’re going to make errors. We’re going to lose our jobs. We’re going to commit malpractice. Observe those thoughts and let them go on their own accord. You are not your thoughts. You can observe your thoughts, write them down, and then challenge them. You can choose the ones to give your power to. Choose those thoughts that you value and let the rest go.
- Be here now. Try to enjoy the present moment. Find joy in the little things. Your first legal research assignment. Your first deposition. Your first oral argument. Sure you will be nervous. But try to enjoy the moment. After a little while, you will see there was nothing to fear. Hone your skills so you can serve your clients and resolve their disputes or build lasting peace.
- Competence & ethics. If you are starting up and do not know what you are doing, you are not alone. None of us knew what we were doing on day 1. And none of us know everything after years of practice. Ask questions. Be resourceful. Be thoughtful. We want to hear what you think.
- The work flow roller coaster. Sometimes it can seem like there is so much to do, it can be like “drinking from a fire hose.” Other times, it can feel like the Sahara Desert. At certain stages in your career, this roller coaster can be extra stressful because it is being driven by things that appear outside of your control. When things inevitably dry up, try to enjoy the downtime. Take some time off, spend time with friends and family. The work will come back. It almost always does. Or if it doesn’t, you’ll figure it out then. The stress and worrying can be too much and may not be helpful; what is helpful is taking care of yourself in the meantime so you are healthy and ready to take on what lies ahead.
- Be authentic. Ultimately, your true power is being you. You may feel like you are not good enough, you need to be always on, you need a facade so people will like you and rely upon you. We reject the premise. We want to see the true you. Be you with all of your idiosyncrasies and quirks. You are what you are for a reason. You may not know it but you are perfect just the way you are. Love yourself. And try to resist temptations to compare what you know of yourself to what you think you know about someone else. The person who looks like they have it all together might not.
- Be curious, not judgmental. You have the power to choose the mindset you bring to each moment. Sometimes you will use the judger mindset, other times you will use the learner mindset. For greater peace of mind, spend more time in the learner mindset with an open, accepting, and curious mind, which asks questions and allows the world to reveal itself in each moment, without judgment, attack, or condemnation. Try to employ a loving and forgiving mindset in each moment.
- Forgiveness is the key to happiness. Take a moment and think of who or what irritates you, who you do not like, who you wish to attack. Then, whomever or whatever appears in your mind, take a moment and forgive them and wish them peace and love. Let it go, not for them, but for your peace of mind. Do this for everyone and everything that comes to mind. Finally, if you are able, forgive yourself as well. You may notice that you feel lighter after you put down this baggage that you have been carrying for so long.
By the LDP (www.lawyersdepressionproject.org), a non-profit dedicated to building a compassionate peer support community of legal (not just lawyer) professionals. If you know someone who might benefit from our community, please share the link above.